Numpad Keyboard
I was waiting to become really good at using a one handed keyboard before making a video. Well, I haven’t worked on it in nearly a year so I figured now or never.
Portability was my main draw to the numpad keyboard, and the keyboard I have is already really portable, but there is still value in a one handed keyboard, and I hope the people who need it do find it.
If you’re new to learning new keyboard layouts, prepare to work on something without really noticing improvements. Be casual; as in, don’t stress yourself out. Aim to use the new layout as your main layout, but if you have important work to do or are just plain frusterated don’t be scared to set it aside. Keep yourself in good spirits so you can pick it back up if you take a break.
I’d estimate spending a month with a visual reference open, month two will be filled with silly mistakes and rewriting bad habits you’ve developed. You’ll likely feel comfortable by three months, but also wondering “is this as good as it gets?” Give it a good 6 months to really peak, and by then it’ll be a muscle memory you can easily pick back up if you decide to stop.
Post by: saturdayxiii