Consumed by saturdayxiii
other hubs:  Patterns Photos
Oct 6, 2020 • Less than a minute read



I put a pi in a baby monitor and painted it to (kinda) resemble an old iMac G3. It’s cute!


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Oct 5, 2020 • Less than a minute read

Away Review

 Away Review

Away Review! source:

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Sep 15, 2020 • 1 min read



I think I’ve finally found the ideal bookmark manager. As far as I can tell, after using it for half a day.

I started looking for a 3rd party manager when I started using different browsers on different computers.

My biggest desire was to use it like a checklist, like any task oriented web app. Collect webpages based on projects I was working on.

The first big recommendation was It was convenient, but really it just hooked me on mood boards, visual based organization. Raindrop didn’t let you nest any bookmark collections in its free version. Really hard to organize with only one level of organization. So my priorities were now to be able to collect my project resources, and nest them in different categories, AND ideally be graphical about it.

I nearly settled on Ggather. It had one level of nesting, which seemed like, functionality wise, good enough, but thumbnails weren’t free this time. Kind of worth settling, but a big clincher was that Ggather was only a couple years old, and I couldn’t find any hint of developer interactivity since early 2019. Looks like the project could dismantle at any time. So I searched a little bit more.

Finally I hit Pearltrees. It’s been around a long time, and it’s blog has been active within recent months. It’s graphic base, and lets me nest collections of bookmarks. I’ve found a weird bug where sometimes it saves a bookmark as a pdf rather than a link, which screws it all up, but it has a note feature that allows me to work around that, if they won’t fix it. So that’s my needs met.

What an exciting day.

Let me know if I missed an obvious choice for bookmark management.


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Sep 7, 2020 • Less than a minute read

Mushroom Growing

Many moons ago I picked up a Pink Oyster mushroom farm. I broke it up and placed a few spoon fulls into a boiled jar of cedar shavings, and that looked to have grown decently. So I moved that into this 10 liter dollarstore container with a usb fan, and a ultra-sonic mister. One month, and one fruit fly infestation later, all I can say is that it was successful. But unfortunately I didn’t get anything useable out if it. I’d love to try again, but with a proper set up. Like, a tub with a lid that fits properly… and a raspberry pi to monitor and adjust absolutely everything.

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Aug 26, 2020 • Less than a minute read

Scoby Apartments

 Scoby Apartments

Sometimes motels just aren’t enough.

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