Consumed by saturdayxiii
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Sep 24, 2021 • Less than a minute read

Pain au chocolat de la ghetto

 Pain au chocolat de la ghetto  Read →

Sep 17, 2021 • 2 min read

Escitalopram pt II

Okay. It’s been long enough for me to feel confident about my depression medicine experience. I’m so. So. Lucky. I’m just over 2 months in and I feel great. Like literally, if you asked me “how are you doing?” I could honestly say “I feel happy”. That’s never been the case, as far as I know. It’s been that way for at least 2 weeks now. It’s been a bit of a journey, so here’s a break down.

What a weird journey. My last walk in got a different Doctor. Even if I don’t pay attention to the name and voice over the phone, I can still tell because new doctors always ask if I’ve tried to kill myself lately. He said the typical protocol is to use the medication for 6 months, if effects have been positive, then stop… Sounds odd. I’m liking that I lasted 4 days without it, so maybe my chronic mental illness has a chance of correcting itself, long term, after 6 months of seratonin support?

Whatever, it’s so amazing to feel like I always thought I should be able to feel like. I’ll take what I can get for now. And I realize how super privledged I am to have things work out so easily. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to keep digging to find the right medication. Maybe one more time, maybe two more times, to what? Develop a habbit? I mean, it took me 11 years since my last therapist visit to actually get proper medication. It’s a hard sell, if you don’t know.

It sucks, but if you’re in that position, please keep fighting. I at least know that things that have always felt wrong do have the possibility of feeling right, so keep trying please.

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Sep 14, 2021 • Less than a minute read

780 Kill Krew Rejected Logos

 780 Kill Krew Rejected Logos

Just some brainstorms of logo ideas for a friend representing the local scene at Furnest Fest.

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Sep 10, 2021 • Less than a minute read

Cucumber Soda

 Cucumber Soda

Cucumber soda looks more fun than it tastes. Makes me feel like a begrudged adult. Lemon helps.

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Sep 8, 2021 • Less than a minute read

Brand New Cherry Flavor

 Brand New Cherry Flavor

Yep. Brand New Cherry Flavor was great. Fantastic edition to the Channel Zero series.

I’ve seen criticisms of the ending, which aren’t wrong, but also kind of a given because Netflix needs to sequel bait. However, I personally didn’t find it very disatisfying, I can handle dropping a show at a clif hanger though.

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